Software development companies and software developers follow SDLC models in their software development process to manage a project efficiently. SDLC Models are also known as Software Development Methodologies.

 Depending upon the project requirements, software developers choose a specific SDLC Model and stick to it through the entire Software Development Life Cycle. Each software development methodology (SDLC Model) has its strengths and weaknesses, and each SDLC Model exists for a specific reason.

 Each SDLC Model or Software Development Methodology follows a series of unique steps, and all of them ensure software development success. Here is an overview of the most commonly used SDLC Models (Software Development Methodologies) in software development.

 The Waterfall Model is one of the oldest and universally accepted SDLC models. It is also known as Linear Sequential Life Cycle Model. It is one of the simplest and easiest models to use.

 In the waterfall model, each phase must be completed before moving to the next one. Overlapping of phases is not possible in the waterfall model. It was the earliest SDLC approach used for software development.

 In the waterfall model, the outcome of one phase acts as an input to the next phase. The sequence of phases in the waterfall model is:

 Agile Methodology is a software development practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing in the software development life cycle. In agile methodology, the entire software development project is divided into small incremental builds. Each iteration lasts from one to three weeks depending on the development project.

 DevOps is a software development methodology that combines the approach of Software Development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) participating in an SDLC. DevOps is a software development methodology and a set of practices that support an organization’s culture.

 DevOps enhances the collaboration between the different departments of a software development organization. It also collaborates with SDLC phases such as development, operations, and quality assurance. The ultimate goal of DevOps is to decrease the duration of SDLC while delivering the features, updates, and fixes frequently.

 RAD or Rapid Application Development is an SDLC model that focuses on high-quality software development with low investment costs. The RAD model allows software developers to adjust according to the project’s requirements quickly. The ability to adjust in a constantly changing market results in low investment costs.

 Scrum Methodology or generally known as Scrum, divides the software development project into smaller modules. Each module then works with an independent strategy. Like Agile Methodology, Scrum Methodology is also a popular software development methodology. Software development with Scrum Model is done rapidly as it allows a series of iterations in a single go.

 Spiral Model is an SDLC model that provides support for risk handling. Spiral Model helps to group and adopt one or more process models. The spiral starts with the smaller aspect of software development and then moves to the larger aspects of the project. Risks at each step are first handled, and then only the next iteration is taken.

 Lean Methodology or Lean Model focuses on optimizing time and resources and creating easily changeable software. The goal of Lean Methodology is to build software in less time and at lesser costs. An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is released in the market and based on the user feedback, other functionalities are added.

 Kanban Methodology is a lean software development methodology that focuses on work in progress and just-in-time delivery. This SDLC model allows software development companies to start with their existing workflow and drive evolutionary changes.

 In the software development process, the kanban methodology aims to manage the flow of features so that the number of features entering the process remains the same as those being completed.

 An Incremental Model is basically a series of waterfall cycles. The requirements are divided into the group at the start of SDLC. For each group, the SDLC model is followed. The software development life cycle is repeated until all the requirements are met.

 In the incremental model, each SDLC acts as the maintenance phase for previous software releases. Any modifications and changes in software allow development cycles to overlap.

 The prototype model is a software development model in which a prototype is built, tested, and reworked until the requirements are met. It is created by keeping the end product or software in mind.

 The prototype model is best suited when the requirements are still not precise. It is basically a trial-and-error method that takes place between software developers and clients.

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 In simple words, Software Outsourcing or Software Development Outsourcing describes a situation where an organization chooses to hire a software development team to carry out software development tasks. Software Outsourcing is the practice of handing over the control of specific business projects and responsibilities to a third-party vendor that is qualified and capable of handling them.

 According to research, the IT sector is the most outsourced field of all. By the end of 2022, IT outsourcing is expected to reach USD 261.9 billion. Software outsourcing is indeed playing a vital role in the growth of the IT sector. And, such robust statistics clearly define that the software development market is on the rise for at least the next few decades. Another study revealed that Software Application Development is the most outsourced IT functions worldwide.

 There are multiple ways for an organization to outsource its software development project to software development companies across the globe. These software development companies can be on-shore, off-shore, or near-shore.

 The advantage of onshore software development is that there are no time zone and language barriers. It makes communication easier and outsourcing more effective. However, the outsourcing cost can be one of the disadvantages.

 This is the most used outsourcing type of all. The main advantage of this is cost-effectiveness due to low labor costs. Besides, the availability of the latest tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Slack helps in effective remote management of software development.

 The main advantage of this type of outsourcing is the alignment of time zones. In contrast, the development cost and language may be the disadvantages.

 There are different outsourcing models available in various articles online. The reason for this diversity is the factor chosen for the classifications. For some, it’s the location (Onshore, Offshore, and Nearshore). While, Others focus on the type of relationship with the client (Staff augmentation, Dedicated Team, and Project Based).

 There are different outsourcing models available in various articles online. The reason for this diversity is the factor chosen for the classifications. For some, it’s the location (Onshore, Offshore, and Nearshore). While, Others focus on the type of relationship with the client (Staff augmentation, Dedicated Team, and Project Based).

 The Staff Augmentation Model is used to maximize the efficiency of the in-house software development team while controlling the outsourcing software development process. In this model, the client borrows a software development team or a part of it from another software development organization for a particular period. Here the borrowed team works as an integral part of your process for completing the assigned tasks. As a result, the responsibilities of the software development team and the software development project are on the client itself.

 The project-Based Outsourcing Model is the perfect solution for organizations requiring custom software development but has no in-house software development team to do it. In this model, the client signs the whole software development project to a third party. Here, the client has to fix a deadline, and the development company delivers the ready-to-use software on that deadline. The entire responsibility of the project is of the outsourced software development company.

 This software development outsourcing model is the middle ground of staff augmentation and project-based outsourcing. In Dedicated Team Model, a dedicated team of external experts works on a particular project or part. An outsourced project manager manages the outsourced team. In this model, the whole software development process takes place outside the client’s company. The project manager reports the progress and updates of the project to the client. Also, the project manager helps in making strategic decisions for the software development project. Here, both the client and the dedicated team are responsible for the success of the project.

 This model is quite popular and widely accepted around the globe. The majority of fast-growing organizations adapt to this model for their software development.

 A Dedicated Team refers to the contract between the client and service provider, where the provider allocates the software development professionals to the clients on a long-term basis. These professionals are chosen based on the client’s demand depending on their experience and skill set. The client may decide to manage the project independently or assign a project manager to it. The dedicated team usually works from the service provider’s office.

 The pricing system of the dedicated team model is straightforward and transparent. Usually, the monthly payment is charged per team member in this model. A dedicated development team is best suitable when the project’s scope is not clearly defined, and the project’s requirements can change during the development process.

 The dedicated team model is not limited to small and medium enterprises or startups only. In fact, many of world-renowned companies have adopted it. Here are some examples of successful companies that leverage dedicated teams.

 Zapier works in 17 time zones and 28 different counties. It has an entirely remote work culture. Wade Foster, the co-founder of Zappier, says, “Distributed development is a better way to work, that allows hiring smart people no matter where in the world.”

 Today, Slack is valued at around $3 Billion, and its application has more than $8 million daily active users. A dedicated team developed the web interface and mobile app of slack.

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